Mapminded - selling genuine antique maps and engravings since 2016
Mapminded - selling genuine antique maps and engravings since 2016
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Antique maps North America
Antique maps and views of the United States and Canada
USA, Canada Bertius/Hondius, 1618, Virginia et Nova Francia
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America, Antarctica, Australia, Bertius/Hondius, 1618, America
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North and South America Tassin, 1651, Nouvelle Description de l´Amerique
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North America, US, Canada... L. C. Desnos / M. Brion, 1766, Nouveau Mexique, Louisiane, Canada et N. lle Angleterre
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America, South America, US, Canada... L. C. Desnos / M. Brion, 1766, L´Amerique
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Greenland, Iceland Bertius/Hondius, 1618, Groenland
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UK & Ireland, America, California as island, Asia, Africa Chatelain/Guedeville, 1720, Nouvelle carte d'Angleterre, d'Ecosse et d'Irlande, avec des instructions pour connoitre les différents états de la Couronne d'Angleterre en Europe, Asie, Afrique, et A
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