Netherlands, The Hague, Huygenspark, R. Boitet, 1730, ´t Leproos-huis

Item number: 24 28 G

Large and very beautifully engraved 18th century view of the Leprooshuis. It was originally built in the Middle Ages for lepers. Because it was thought that the disease was contagious, the Leprooshuis was located outside the city, on the Bocht van Guinea, which is now called Huygenspark. The street where the sick were allowed to walk freely is still called after them: het Zieken. The center of The Hague can be seen in the background.

The house had no more leper residents since the middle of the 16th century, because the disease had disappeared in this area. At that time, the house only offered shelter to 'proveniers', people who had bought in for a large sum to ensure a well-cared-for old age. In 1826, the building was demolished to make way for the white pavilion that you can still see on the Rijswijkseplein.

The plate comes from: 'Beschrijving van 's Gravenhage.', by Mr. Jacob Riemer (1676-1762), published in Delft by Reinier Boitet, 1730.

The book contains many beautiful engravings of important buildings, churches, monasteries, estates and castles of The Hague, the current seat of the Dutch government in the Netherlands.

The plates were engraved by Gerrit van Giesen (1692-1750), Jan Caspar Phillips (1700-1765) and F. v. Bleyswyck. Published by Reinier Boitet (1680-1750).

Image 28x34cm, page 32x36cm

Excellent condition