Philippines, Luzon, Manilla De Renneville, 1703, Typus Freti Manilensis – Detroit de Manille

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Item number: 24 30 AO

Very rare early 18th century uncommon map showing the area around Manilla, published by De Renneville after the earlier map by Th. De Bry. It is a chart of the Manila Strait showing the route through the Philippines. Includes the Islands of Kalusunan, Mindoro, Burias, Ticao, and Isla than Samar. With fleets of ships and boats. Reflects Spilbergen's discoveries.

Published in Constantin Renneville's ´Recueil des voyages qui ont servi a l'etablissement et aux progres de la Compagnie des Indes Orientales, ... tome 3´, first published in 1703.

References; Not in Quirino.

Excellent condition.

Image 13,5x22cm, page 15,5x23cm