France, Île d´Oléron, Bretagne N. Tassin, 1633, Carte de l´Isle d´Oleron

Item number: 24 13 EJ (2)

Very rare and pretty map of the Isle of Oléron by Tassin. Cartouche. Compass rose. Boats. Excellent original hand colour.

Tassin was appointed "royal cartographer" in Dijon before settling as an engraver in Paris where he published various collections of small maps and plans of France, Switzerland, Germany and Spain.

Map published in ´Cartes generalles de toutes les provinces de France et d'Espigne, revues et corrigées par le sr T.[assin], géographe ordinaire du Roy´, Paris, 1633.

Very good condition, some slight browning due to age.

Image 11x15cm, sheet 16.5x21.5cm