France, Lorraine, Metz, Nancy, Strasbourg, Luxembourg... L. C. Desnos / M. Brion, 1766, Les duchés de Lorraine et de Bar, et les évêches de Metz, Toul et Verdun, avec les généralités de Nancy et de Metz.
Map in folio format, made by Brion de la Tour, of Lorraine, Metz, Nancy, Luxembourg, Toul, Strasbourg etc.
The map is printed in a decorative frame and in an original coloring.
Published in ´Atlas of France divided into its military governments and its generalities, subdivided into all its provinces and small Countries &c. Subject to the New observations of Mr. M. of the Royal Academy of Sciences by Mrs. J.D.B.M.D. - In Paris, s.n. [At Desnos], 1766´
Louis Brion De La Tour (fl 1756-1803)
Beyond the fact that Brion was an engineer by profession and held the position of Engineer-Geographer to the King, little is known about his career. He published a wide range of statistical works and a number of atlases, published by the famous French cartographer Louis Charles Desnos (1725-1805).
Excellent condition. Thick paper. Clear impression. Original coloring. Wide margins. Blank verso.
Image 35x39cm, sheet 40x52.5