Spain, Valencia, Murcia, Alicante, Teruel.. N. Tassin, 1633, Reyno de Valencia
Item number:
25 2 AI
Rare 17th century copper engraved map of Valencia by Tassin, shown with the North towards the right. One of the first French cartographers.
Tassin was appointed "royal cartographer" in Dijon before settling as an engraver in Paris, where he published several collections of small maps and plans of France, Switzerland, Germany and Spain.
Map published in 'General maps of all the provinces of France and Spain, revised and corrected by Mr T.[assin], ordinary geographer of Roy', Paris, 1633.
Reasonable-Good condition. Backed by antique paper, parts of the margins repaired, not affecting the image. Some minimal browning due to age, sharp print. Original colours.
Image 10,5x15cm, page 16x21,5cm